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Welcome to The Donna's Beauty Review. It is a celebration of all things girly and beautiful. It is a celebration of YOU.

"I empower women one make-up at a time. I inspire everyone to become the best version of themselves through make-up."

 Follow  Donna's daily musings about life, love, art, food, dogs, fashion, make-up, skin care, perfumes, and inner beauty. Be updated on the latest, hottest, and hippest brand/product to hit the local beauty shelves, the must- visit restaurants in town, the latest sale events, coolest trends, awesome beauty tips, and tidbits on how to let that inner beauty shine through


1. All reviews and opinions on make-ups, skin care products, and perfumes are based on the writer's experience. Whatever works for the writer may not work for you. Please exercise due discretion and always seek professional advice before trying out any product reviewed on this blog. Donna and The Donna's Beauty Reviews cannot be held responsible for any negative bodily reaction that you may experience from the usage of any beauty product reviewed on this blog.

2. All paid product/s features and advertorials shall be determined by the writer. The writer does not accept paid product reviews.
 3. All product reviews will not be influenced by the brand/establishment/company.

4. The Donna's Beauty Reviews will only endorse products, brands, and establishments that she believes, based on her expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. The Donna's Beauty Reviews will remain truthful to her readers.

5. On luxury bag/footwear/accessories/clothes reviews: The authentication points are based on Donna's personal observations, research, and gathering of third- party tips and recommendations. These authentication blog posts do not represent the opinions of and are not verified by the featured luxury brand. 

6. On Exercises, Fitness, and Dieting Tips, Tricks, reviews, and recommendations: Blog posts that cover the aforementioned topics are based on the Donna's experience, research, and gathering of third- party tips and recommendations. Such blog posts do not represent the opinions of and are not verified by the featured Fitness establishments, trainers, authors, dietitians, and nutritionists.


1. This blog accepts different forms of advertisements and compensations.
2. The author is open to product/brand collaborations and campaigns.


Bashing and negative comments will not be tolerated in this blog. This is to ensure a harmonious environment for the readers and to nurture positive relationships.


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